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Legal News

Person sitting thinking

Supporting Your Family During COVID-19 Lockdown

Whatever it might be, the Family Law department at Jefferies have all areas of Family Law ‘locked down’ and are able to continue to give you the professional, friendly and tailor-made service you need during these difficult times.

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Adult putting lunchbox in child's bag

What Does Lockdown Mean for Contact?

Many parents are being faced with hard decisions about the safety of their families and one big one relates to contact arrangements for children with separated parents. Here is our advice on the latest guidance.

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Coronavirus and Family Life

Impact of Covid-19 on your Family Life

We now face, together as a nation, the threat of the coronavirus. We appreciate the anxiety this is provoking and the impact this has on your family. Find out how we can help you to move forward in a way that is comfortable, and safe, for you.

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Person talking to others from a piece of paper

Law Careers Evening at Jefferies Solicitors

Ever thought about a career in law? This event is an opportunity for GCSE students and Sixth Formers to find out more about a career in law at all levels, whether you’re not sure what you want to do after school or sixth form, or have dreamt of working in law.

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Person writing on paper with fountain pen

No-Fault Divorce: Latest Legislation Updates

This week marks the reintroduction of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill to Parliament, which puts so-called ‘no-fault divorce’ firmly back on the agenda for 2020.
Jefferies takes you through the so called ‘no-fault divorce’ Bill and its significance for those considering divorce or dissolution.

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