What Does Lockdown Mean for Contact?
Many parents are being faced with hard decisions about the safety of their families and one big one relates to contact arrangements for children with separated parents. Here is our advice on the latest guidance.
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Many parents are being faced with hard decisions about the safety of their families and one big one relates to contact arrangements for children with separated parents. Here is our advice on the latest guidance.
We now face, together as a nation, the threat of the coronavirus. We appreciate the anxiety this is provoking and the impact this has on your family. Find out how we can help you to move forward in a way that is comfortable, and safe, for you.
Both our offices in Southend and Chelmsford remain open for business as usual. Here’s how we are safeguarding both clients and staff from COVID-19.
If you’re concerned about the intensifying Coronavirus outbreak situation, we have the latest guidance to help employers and employees stay safe and stop the spread at work.
Our employment law specialist Mark Rothman explains how garden leave works, what the benefits are, and when it is safe to put an employee on garden leave.
Ever thought about a career in law? This event is an opportunity for GCSE students and Sixth Formers to find out more about a career in law at all levels, whether you’re not sure what you want to do after school or sixth form, or have dreamt of working in law.
For the 15th anniversary of LGBT+ History Month in the UK, we reflect on the progress made towards equality for and by the LGBT+ community in the law.
This week marks the reintroduction of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill to Parliament, which puts so-called ‘no-fault divorce’ firmly back on the agenda for 2020.
Jefferies takes you through the so called ‘no-fault divorce’ Bill and its significance for those considering divorce or dissolution.
If you’re considering divorce or dissolution this January, you’re not alone. It is the most common time of year for couples who have been having difficulties in their marriage or civil partnerships to make their first step towards a split.
Our Family Law team offer their expert advice for those looking to make this difficult decision.