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COVID-19: Jefferies Remain Open for Business

Posted on March 16, 2020
Jefferies Solicitors Logo Southend Essex

During this uncertain time, we would like to reassure our clients that our teams are continuing to operate as normal, providing the same high standard of legal expertise and guidance to both existing, and new clients.

This update is to inform you that both our offices in Southend and Chelmsford remain open for business as usual, and to notify you of the measures we have put in place to ensure we are able to be:

How are Jefferies contributing to the containment of COVID-19?

We are following Government guidelines across both our practices to minimise the risk of transmission and keep our staff and visitors safe. Our offices are displaying additional signage to encourage exceptional hygiene and minimal physical contact, so you will be greeted with a friendly smile instead of a handshake for the time being. We are currently limiting non-essential meetings, and have access preparations in place should staff be recommended to work from home in the near future. As with the guidance issued by Public Health England, we are applying appropriate measures with respect to vulnerable employees, or those who have travelled, or plan to travel abroad.

Can I visit the Jefferies offices?

Clients and other visitors are still welcome at our offices as usual. We are following the government’s recommended measures to ensure our workplace is safe, and encourage visitors to do the same. If you prefer to rearrange an in-person meeting to a telephone or video conference call, please do not hesitate to let us know so we can accommodate this.

Will my case still proceed as normal?

We are committed to supporting our existing clients with the same diligence and care. Our Solicitors are still able to attend Court, mediations and fulfil other everyday duties. Where possible, we are happy to conduct meetings with our clients remotely, so we will be at the end of the phone when you need us as always, and are able to video conference call clients via Skype/FaceTime.

Can Jefferies take on my case?

We are as confident in our capacity to support new clients as always. We understand that everyday life goes on despite these uncertain times, but that the current climate has the potential to exacerbate what could already be a stressful legal situation. We wish to assure you we will deliver the same excellent service associated with Jefferies, so you can rest easy knowing your case is in safe hands.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can email us at or call us on 01702 332 311.

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