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Legal Disputes in Essex

Jefferies are widely regarded as a leader in the commercial disputes field, our experienced team frequently advise on a range of issues; from small businesses to large cross-jurisdictional matters. We are commercially savvy and always ensure that the client achieves the best possible result.

To find out more about our areas of operation and how we can support you, click below.

Our prices and services
For detailed information about our prices and services, download our PDF below.
  • Debt Recovery

    Jefferies regularly act for a number of finance companies and trade businesses and have a high success rate in recovering debts, often before County Court proceedings have to be issued. We also have considerable experience of dealing with the trickier aspects of enforcing judgments obtained in the County Court, which can include obtaining charging orders over property owned by a debtor (or guarantor) and instructing the High Court Enforcement Officer to levy execution against a debtor’s assets or goods. Our targeted services are both timely and cost-effective, which is of paramount importance in a sector where speed is of the essence.

    Our specialist debt recovery team is able to offer a full range of services for both personal and business-to-business debt collection. We take a streamlined case management approach to ensure that our clients are at the front of the queue when chasing payment from elusive or intransigent debtors.

    Our Team

    Our team has over 25 years of collective experience in delivering high-quality work in all matters relating to Debt Recovery. The Team has particular experience in the investigation and recovery of high value.

    Our services include:

    • Alternative Dispute Resolution
    • Bankruptcy proceedings
    • Company insolvency proceedings (winding up)
    • Enforcement of money judgments including Court applications for: Charging Orders, High Court Enforcement Officer execution against goods, Third Party Debt Orders, Attachment to Earnings Orders, orders that the Debtor is to Attend Court for Questioning
    • Drafting and sending letters before claim
    • Issuing County Court or High Court proceedings
    • Issuing statutory demands
    • Obtaining judgment in non-contested cases

  • Defamation

    If someone has written (libel) something untrue about you and that statement has caused, or is likely to, cause serious harm, or in the case of a business, serious financial loss, then you may potentially have claim for Defamation.

    How can we help you?

    We are one of only a few regional firms that deal with Defamation claims. We use our legal expertise and practical knowledge to support you, restore your reputation, and limit any damage caused. We will represent you and act on your behalf to seek a solution. This can be in the form of a retraction or apology, having defamatory statements removed from online searches or social media, and ensuring the untrue statements are not repeated. We can advise you about any damages that may be claimed.

    Our Defamation Team have successfully pursued claims for Defamation on social media, in newspapers (written and online), internet forums, and other forms of publication.

    Equally, if a complaint is made against you over something that you have published, we can offer you advice on how to deal with the matter and advise you of any defences that may be available against such claims. Alternatively, where possible we can provide pre-publication advice to you.

    List of services

    Our specialists have:

    • Defended a Football Association against claims of alleged defamatory statements
    • Obtained damages in the High Court for allegations made on Facebook
    • Forced a leading political party to pay damages and withdraw leaflets from malicious campaign literature
    • Had a couple’s personal records amended as they contained unfounded allegations against them
    • Had national newspapers publish apologies and pay damages for publishing untrue articles

    Please note: You have one year from the date of publication of the defamatory statement to bring a claim, so please act quickly.

  • Dispute Resolution

    Disputes can occur even in the midst of best business practices. It may be the case that a supplier let you down, a customer or client has failed to pay you (visit Debt Recovery), or goods or services you’ve purchased prove to be unsatisfactory. It’s possible you have had issues with your landlord, tenants (visit Property Disputes), or perhaps your employees (visit Employment Law).

    Our dispute resolution team are professionals in this field and will work fast to resolve matters as soon as possible to ensure minimum disruption to your business.

    We will discuss your concerns and requirements with you, and advise you on the relevant law, the implications, and also on alternative options for resolving a dispute so that a strategy is tailored to your needs. You will have a highly qualified lawyer dedicated to your matter who will be easily contactable, efficient, and proactive.

  • Mediation

    Mediation aims to solve any disputes quickly, cheaply, and with minimum stress. We have over 20 years of experience in helping businesses and individuals settle their disputes and during that time over 90% of our mediated disputes settle in just one day.

    Our mediators have an in-depth knowledge of the law and of the skills necessary to help parties reach an agreement. We offer a friendly, approachable, and responsive mediation service based on confidentiality and resolution.

    We have both highly experienced and qualified mediators who can mediate your disputes and exceptional solicitors who can represent you at mediation. We offer fixed fee options if you instruct us to meditate, or act for you at mediation.

    We can help you resolve issues or disputes in the following areas:


    • Boundary / Property
    • Construction
    • Contract Disputes
    • Franchising
    • Insolvency
    • Professional Services
    • Professional Negligence
    • Vehicle Disputes

    Employment / Workplace

    • Grievances
    • Performance Related Disputes
    • Disciplinary Issues
    • Bullying or Harassment
    • Pay
    • Redundancy

  • Professional Negligence

    Professional negligence claims arise when a professional fails to meet the required standard in performing their responsibilities, causing loss. A claim can be brought against any professional – the most common being financial advisors, accountants, professional trustees, and solicitors.

    If your firm is considering pursuing a claim for professional negligence in respect of a service you have received, or someone is alleging you were negligent we are here to offer you practical advice and can act on your organisation’s behalf by progressing your case swiftly through to completion.

    At Jefferies, we understand how important it is to identify where you need to be and help to get you there in a discreet and efficient manner.

    Our experience in this area enables us to represent you in a dynamic and proficient way and we make sure we keep you updated throughout the process.

  • Tax Disputes

    We are a leading firm that offers specialist tax dispute advice and litigation assistance to both individuals and businesses. Our solicitors will conduct a thorough and professional service; helping you and any parties involved reach a place of clarity and solution.

    HMRC Decisions

    Our specialists will assist you with HMRC decisions. If you are subject to an investigation we can guide you through the process, review decisions and APN Notices, assess the procedure HMRC has taken in reaching that decision, and advise you of your options.

    We challenge decisions in the High Court, Tax Tribunal, or through discussions with HMRC.

    Business Tax

    Working in conjunction with some of the country’s leading tax and financial advisors we assist in ensuring tax-efficient transfers and business sales (view Company Law) and deal with any VAT claims, tax on employees, and Trusts.

  • Property Disputes

    Jefferies has significant experience and expertise of advising upon the entire spectrum of property disputes, from issues arising out of the landlord and tenant relationship, to disputes concerning trusts of land and complex boundary disputes.

    Our specialist team regularly acts for clients in the County Court and High Court in all forms of property litigation. We offer targeted, effective advice to enable both individuals and businesses to resolve their disputes in the most pragmatic and cost-effective way. Often litigation is not the most effective way to resolve a dispute and our team can provide advice and representation in mediations and other alternative dispute resolution methods. Jefferies acts for a number of developers, investment companies, property management agents, charities, and private landlords.

    Our services include advising commercial landlords and tenants upon:

    • Dilapidations and improvements
    • Enforcing covenants
    • Enfranchisement where a landlord cannot be found (lease renewals and right to buy)
    • Renewals and termination of commercial tenancies, including service of notices and applications to the Court
    • Rent arrears and forfeiture proceedings
    • Rent reviews
    • Service charge disputes

  • Will and Probate Disputes

    Wills are designed to give certainty to someone’s wishes when they die. Unfortunately, disputes can still arise. A person may feel they were promised property or land that was not included in the will, you may feel a will was written under duress or undue influence, or that you have an interest in items that a will leaves to someone else. You may have concerns over how a Trustee is dealing with the deceased’s estate or you are a Trustee yourself having difficulty with a beneficiary.

    We understand how difficult will disputes can be emotionally. They often involve disagreements between family members or those close to the deceased. We will work with you to understand any personal dynamics, as well as provide legal advice in order to find the best way to resolve matters. Very often these matters can be resolved through discussions, negotiation, or mediation which help preserve relationships, but action can be taken through the courts as well.

Meet Our Disputes Team

Our Disputes Team are extremely experienced in delivering high-quality work in all matter of legal disputes.

Jefferies Law Southend Duncan Bennington

Duncan Bennington

Jefferies Law Stephanie Hayden

Stephanie Haydon

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