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Family Department News: Civil Partnerships for Opposite-Sex Couples

Posted on January 8, 2019

The Government has recently confirmed it will introduce civil partnership legislation in the next parliamentary session to extend civil partnerships to opposite-sex couples. A consultation will though precede the legislation. This news may be of interest to different-sex couples i.e. male/female couples who are in a committed relationship but don’t wish to marry.  Such relationships don’t have legal recognition and status in law as marriage and civil partnerships for same-sex couples do, so in consequence, if the relationship was to end, then it does not have the same legal consequences and have the same legal remedies available to parties as are available to couples in a civil relationship who are of the same sex or to a couple of whatever gender who are married.

Any change in the law is considered and responded to proactively by the skilled Solicitors within the family department.  Through regular and continued professional development we are ahead of the game and because we work as part of a strong team with a focus on continual professional development and sharing of experience and good practice, we are able to offer more.  The practice is forward thinking and developing in an ever-changing landscape of relationships and family life, however, that may be defined and whatever it may mean to our clients.

In due course, when the law changes, which it will do shortly, if at that time you are a couple considering a civil partnership, be it of the same or different sex we can offer you advice on pre-nuptial agreements. No one wants to consider or even contemplate separation when planning what is expected to be a lifelong union, but increasingly nowadays many couples prefer to take advice and set out agreed division of what will become joint assets should that eventuality unfortunately arise.  We can help you with us, just call for a no obligation fixed fee consultation which is offered at a reduced rate.

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