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Law Is All You Need? Legal Advice for Your Relationship This Valentine’s Day

Posted on February 6, 2019
Valentines Jefferies

Valentine’s Day is a time when many couples take the next steps to start planning their future. Whether it’s starting a new relationship or proposing to your better half, many couples use this day to express their commitment to each other with a token of love. It could be the offering of a ring or the keys to a new home together – significant milestones for any relationship!

However, we know that when couples first meet, it’s not necessarily “law at first sight”. But in the spirit of bonding and mutual understanding, having your future planned and protected is one of the most romantic things you can do as a couple. At Jefferies Solicitors, we can offer you expert advice if you’re considering the next steps in your relationship to ensure all is in place for you and your loved ones. Whether you’re getting married or entering a civil partnership, buying a home together, or thinking about starting a family, read on for our advice for the most common questions we get asked when it comes to marriage and relationships.

Legal arrangements for couples to consider

In the event of a separation, many of us like to know what their financial rights and entitlements will be and tend to believe that all the assets should be divided, equally. Although, the starting point in many cases, will be an equal division of assets, other factors will need to be considered before deciding what a ‘fair’ outcome will be. All outcomes are dependent on their case facts.

Do unmarried couples have rights?

You may not think it is the right time for you to get married and so may want to test the waters by living together, before taking the plunge and getting married.

Contrary to popular belief, if you are an unmarried couple and you live together, unfortunately, you will not have the same rights and entitlements as that of a married couple. This is because, regardless of the number of years an unmarried couple have been together – or whether they have children – there is no statute in the eyes of the law that recognises them as a married couple.

You can however protect your rights and entitlements when moving in with your partner by entering into a Cohabitation Agreement.

At Jefferies Solicitors, our Family Law Department can advise you of all the different options that will be available to you to ensure your assets are protected, if you are thinking about moving in with your partner.

Does a pre-nup have to be signed before your wedding?

Planning an engagement this year? Don’t become disengaged with the law in the flurry or celebrations! If you’re planning to marry, we recommend entering into a Pre-nuptial Agreement to ensure you know what your rights and entitlements will be before you tie the knot, and how this may be shared in the unfortunate event of divorce.

Even if this may be the last thing on your ‘to do’ list as you plan for your big day, a “pre-nup” can offer you and your loved one security for the future. Rather than leaving everything to chance, this offers both of you a level of autonomy, making it much easier down the line if things make a turn for the worst.

It is not possible to enter into a pre-nup after you get married. However, a Post-nuptial Agreement is a wise alternative for married couples, as it sets out how the matrimonial assets will be divided, in the event of a divorce. If you feel like your marriage is going through a ‘rocky’ stage and want to know how you can protect your assets, please get in touch with one of our Family Law solicitors for advice today.

How does marriage affect your Will?

The question of by “will you make a Will with me?” may not naturally follow “will you marry me?”, but those planning to tie the knot should consider creating a new Will to reflect their new circumstances. If you have your eyes on the long-game with your partner, it’s important to guarantee your Will is in place and up to date for the future. Show your undying love with a Will!

Many people are unaware that getting married or entering a civil partnership automatically voids your original Will, unless the appropriate steps have been taken to update it. As much as we don’t like to think about it, this effectively means that in the unexpected event of death, you would have no Will in place.

Already married and without a Will? Don’t worry, you can still sort this out now. Simply get in touch with one of our expert Will solicitors today for guidance.

Your expert solicitors for couples in Southend-on-Sea

Whether you are married or not, Jefferies Solicitors offer a variety of services for all couples to protect their future and prevent these unexpected battles, including Cohabitation Agreements, Pre-nuptial Agreements, Post-nuptial Agreements, and making a new Will. This will mean there’s no room for misinterpretation or “forget me nots” if a relationship ends.

So, whether you’re making plans to live together as an unmarried couple or are making arrangements to be engaged this Valentine’s Day, it is important for you to think about and clearly define what your rights and entitlements will be from the outset, to manage the expectations of both. For the best foundation, you should consult our professional and expert team of Family Law solicitors.

Call one of our expert solicitors on 01702 332 311 or contact us today.

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