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Wills, Probate & Lasting Powers of Attorney

In life, we can never be sure what is right around the corner. That is why our specialist Wills, Probate & Lasting Powers of Attorney Team at Jefferies are here to support you with getting your affairs in order.

Wills and Probate in Essex 

We understand the various challenges and changes in circumstances that life consistently throws in our direction. There is no way to be entirely prepared for the unexpected, however maintaining organisation and order where you can, can help!

Here at Jefferies, we offer friendly, practical, and expert advice and support to help you organise wills, probate, and lasting powers of attorney during unprecedented times.



Our prices and services
For detailed information about our prices and services, download our PDF below.
Just ask Jefferies
For more information read our top frequently asked questions.

    Meet Our Wills, Probate & Lasting Powers of Attorney Team

    Our Wills, Probate and Lasting Powers of Attorney Team are extremely experienced in delivering high quality work across this practice area.

    If you need advice and assistance on estate disputes or contentious probate matters, please contact Victoria.

    Jefferies Law Kym Clarke

    Kym Clarke

    Philip Conway headshot

    Philip Conway

    Jefferies Law Southend Victoria Scott

    Victoria Scott

    Mehnaz Siddiqui

    Jefferies Law Hayley McLoughlin

    Hayley McLoughlin

    Jefferies Law Charlotte Tunstall-Price

    Charlotte Tunstall-Prince

    Annie Kidd

    For expert advice with a personal touch, call

    Just ask Jefferies

    • What is the role of the Court of Protection?

    • How does lasting power of attorney work?

    • What is the difference between an attorney and an executor?

    • What happens when you have power of attorney and the person dies?

    • What is probate?

    • What happens if a person dies without leaving a will?

    • Is probate required if you have a will?

    • Can you challenge a will after probate?

    • Is there a time limit for contesting a will?

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    World Human Rights Day

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