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Employment Law updates in the New Tax Year

Posted on April 11, 2019
calendar showing April 2019

Are you up to date with the latest employment law updates? Budget announcements and a new tax year have left a number of businesses and organisations questioning where they stand with present employment legislation.

Indeed, employment and HR laws are still constantly changing, with April 2019 being a significant month for legal updates. Whether you are an employer or employee, read on for everything you need to know about changes in employment law this month from Jefferies…

4 April 2019 – Gender pay gap reporting for private sector employers

Since the first reports due last year, gender pay gap reporting deadlines are regulated every April as an ongoing commitment from the government to close the gap of pay between men and women. Now, under the Equality Act 2010, organisations and businesses with 250 or more employees must report their gender pay gaps every Spring. The reports also include information about employees’ bonus schemes, as well as Directors’ pay.

Essentially, gender pay gap reporting has been put into place to achieve gender equality and boost the economy. However, information provided in these reports become public information – published both on the business’s respective website, as well as on the Government’s website.

Transparency in the business world is increasingly demanded by the public. So, because this data can be accessed by both employees and the general public, it means all those companies that have to comply will be open to public scrutiny.

While we expect that the majority of gender pay gap records will yield a positive outcome, there are always risks that these results may receive negative response. For instance, if pay is found to be unequal at your workplace, an unhappy employee may seek to bring an equal pay claim in the Employment Tribunal.

If you need to ensure you are compliant and protected for gender pay gap reporting, we recommend you keep a solicitor by your side that is an expert in these matters. So for more advice on how to prevent unequal pay claims or how to protect your reputation, view our ‘Equal Pay For Equal Work’ guide or get in touch with one of our employment law solicitors expert for advice.

6 April 2019 – Itemised payslips for all employees

Employers must now provide all workers who are paid in accordance with the number of hours they work with an itemised payslip that states the numbers of hours worked, such as shift workers. However, this change does not apply to those workers with fixed contract of hours and a fixed salary where no overtime is required, for example an office worker on a consistent 9-5 rota.

The latest rules around itemised payslips get more complex if members of staff are on various contracts, such as salaried workers who work variable hours due to fluctuations in workload. There are also considerations in regard to term time works, day rate workers, as well as unpaid leave and Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

With these laws coming into effect, if a worker thinks they have not received a payslip or the required information, they may be able to bring a claim before an Employment Tribunal. If the Tribunal agrees, it will make a declaration to this effect and may publish it on its website. It is crucial that you are up to speed with this new process and are protected if a claim is made by a disgruntled employee.

Don’t ‘slip’ up on your payslips! Speak with one of our solicitors to guide you with how to keep compliant with these new laws.

6 April 2019 – Maximum compensatory award

Employees with the qualifying period of service have the right not to be subject to unfair dismissal. However, sometimes incidents occur where an employee is let go and believe they have a case against the employer.

This month, there will be an increase on the maximum compensation that can be awarded by the Employment Tribunal in “ordinary” unfair dismissal claims, with an increase from £83,682 to £86,444. This means that if an employee believes they have been fired without a legitimate reasoning, the employer may have to pay out more fees than previously if they win the case.

At Jefferies, we can give you advice on any matters related to unfair dismissals. Arrange a confidential meeting with one of our employment law solicitors today.

6 – 7 April 2019 – Increases in pay

As the new financial year begins, there are a number of pay increases that are worth noting, including:

  • National Living Wage increases – including from £7.83 to £8.21 per hour for workers aged 25 and over (increase of 4.9%)
  • Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) – from £92.05 to £94.25
  • A week’s statutory redundancy pay maximum – increase from £508 to £525 per week
  • Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) – from £145.18 to £148.68
  • Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP) – as above
  • Shared Parental Pay (SPP) – as above
  • Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) – as above

As with any major HR or payroll project, employees will need to ensure they have the right skills at hand. We recommend always having a solicitor at your side to consult you with any financial changes made in your workplace environment. Get in touch with one of our solicitors today.

Keep your workplace safe with Jefferies

At Jefferies, we help many places of employment across Essex ensure they are up-to-date with the latest employment legislation, by ensuring they are continuously compliant with the latest laws. With a new financial year, it is critical to get a solicitor by your side to help you prepare for any legal changes. Call a member of our employment law team now, on 01702 332 311 or email us on

Speak to an expert today

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