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Discounted LPA Fees

Posted on January 2, 2018

We all know there’s no time like the start of the New Year to start thinking ahead and planning your future. It’s the time we plan our resolutions, think about improving our health and contemplate holidays we’d like to take in the year. Here at Jefferies, we also know it’s the ideal time to plan your future from a financial and welfare perspective.

Although it can be easy to put off making plans, it’s crucial that your property and financial affairs are in order, so no matter what challenges arise through life circumstances, you, your loved ones and close friends have a continued peace of mind over your affairs.

Contact us to learn more


Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) enables you to appoint one or more persons to act on your behalf during your lifetime in relation to your property and financial affairs and/or your health and welfare. The Lasting Power of Attorney for Property and Financial Affairs can be used whilst you have capacity and consent to your Attorneys acting for you.  The Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney can only be used if you lack the mental capacity to make these decisions for yourself.  Those appointed as your attorneys have a duty to act in your best interests. Lasting Powers of Attorney do not give those appointed unlimited control over your affairs, rather the ability to step in should you need them to do so.


Our team are specialists in advising our clients on the creation of LPAs, and offer practical support during difficult times in a friendly and efficient manner.


There are many benefits to consider when making an LPA:


  • An LPA lets you plan important financial and welfare decisions in advance.
  • It allows you to decide exactly who will make decisions and how they’ll make them should you be incapable of doing so yourself.
  • An LPA allows you to choose anyone including your unmarried partner or a friend – to be your Attorney and make decisions for you when you are unable to do so yourself.
  • Without an LPA, your loved ones may find it difficult, costly and time-consuming to manage your affairs as they won’t have legal authority to do so and would have to make a Court of Protection application instead


We understand this is something you may not wish to think about, but it’s an investment that could become absolutely vital in the future.


To help you plan for your future, our standard fees for Lasting Powers of Attorney will be discounted by 20% throughout January and February 2018.


To benefit from our 20% discount, please get in touch withEmma Blakesley on 01702 332 311 or contact us here before 28th February 2018 to discuss further.


Get 20% off your LPA fees


Speak to an expert today

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