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Wills, Probate & Lasting Powers of Attorney

In life, we can never be sure what is right around the corner. That is why our specialist Wills, Probate & Lasting Powers of Attorney Team at Jefferies are here to support you with getting your affairs in order.

Wills and Probate in Essex 

We understand the various challenges and changes in circumstances that life consistently throws in our direction. There is no way to be entirely prepared for the unexpected, however maintaining organisation and order where you can, can help!

Here at Jefferies, we offer friendly, practical, and expert advice and support to help you organise wills, probate, and lasting powers of attorney during unprecedented times.



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    Meet Our Wills, Probate & Lasting Powers of Attorney Team

    Our Wills, Probate and Lasting Powers of Attorney Team are extremely experienced in delivering high quality work across this practice area.

    If you need advice and assistance on estate disputes or contentious probate matters, please contact Victoria.

    Jefferies Law Kym Clarke

    Kym Clarke

    Philip Conway headshot

    Philip Conway

    Jefferies Law Southend Victoria Scott

    Victoria Scott

    Mehnaz Siddiqui

    Jefferies Law Hayley McLoughlin

    Hayley McLoughlin

    Jefferies Law Charlotte Tunstall-Price

    Charlotte Tunstall-Prince

    Annie Kidd

    For expert advice with a personal touch, call

    Just ask Jefferies

    • What is the role of the Court of Protection?

      The Court of Protection exists to safeguard vulnerable people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. Those decisions may relate to the person’s finances or to their health and welfare. The Court may appoint third parties (Deputies) to manage a vulnerable person’s affairs and may also supervise individuals who have been appointed under a Lasting Power of Attorney

    • How does lasting power of attorney work?

      A Lasting Power of Attorney is created by a person who has full capacity who wishes to appoint someone that they trust to act on their behalf, if they become physically or mentally incapable in the future. This can relate to financial affairs and/or health and welfare decisions

      Learn more about how Lasting Powers of Attorney work

    • What is the difference between an attorney and an executor?

      An attorney can act during a person’s lifetime but the authority to act ceases immediately upon death. An executor is the person appointed by a will to deal with the administration of an estate following death

    • What happens when you have power of attorney and the person dies?

      A power of attorney ceases immediately on death. The original Lasting Power of Attorney must be sent to the Office of the Public Guardian for cancellation

    • What is probate?

      Probate is the “proving” of a will by the court. It formalises the appointment of the executors who are named in the will and gives them the legal authority to deal with the estate.

    • What happens if a person dies without leaving a will?

      Any assets held in the sole name of the deceased can be dealt with by certain family members in a strict order of priority. An application is made to the court who ensure that the applicant is correctly entitled. The court then grants Letters of Administration to enable the estate to be administered. There is no formal procedure required for jointly held assets which transfer automatically to the surviving co-owner, although depending on the value of the assets, and whether any exemptions are available, these could be subject to Inheritance Tax

    • Is probate required if you have a will?

      This depends upon the value of the estate and the type of assets held by the deceased. If a house or other property is involved, then probate is generally required to sell or transfer that asset. Sometimes an estate can be dealt with under the Small Estates Procedure where the banks and other organisations will release funds without the need for probate

    • Can you challenge a will after probate?

      Yes, a will can be challenged after probate is granted. Claims can be made against the validity of a will (for example if the claimant believes that the deceased lacked capacity or was unduly influenced by a third party) or by certain people who were dependants of the deceased

    • Is there a time limit for contesting a will?

      This is generally six months after Probate is granted, although the court may grant an extension in certain circumstances

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