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Worried About Your Lease?

Posted on October 11, 2018
worried about your lease jefferies

Along with marriage and having children, purchasing your first property is one of the biggest milestones in a lifetime.

Generally, most people purchase a flat as their first home as it is cheaper than a house so it is a perfect way to get onto the property ladder.

There are, however, many things to consider as a flat owner; the most important being that the common areas are owned by the freeholder. The freeholder is generally bound to maintain the common areas and insure the building, the costs of which it will recover from the leaseholders. Some flats are sold with a share of the freehold, however, this is a small proportion so it is important to know from the outset what you can and cannot do under the terms of your lease and, also, what your freeholder or management company can and cannot do.

If you are interested in extending your lease, be sure to read our guide on the 5 things to know before you start the process.

If you are concerned about any of the following please call our team on 01702 332 311 or find out more about our legal support for property-related matters here. 

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