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When a Late Night Burger Goes Wrong.

Posted on October 5, 2016


Jefferies has recently settled a claim for a young lady who was injured whilst queuing for a late night/early morning snack having spent the evening at a local nightclub with friends. Whilst innocently standing on the pavement next to the burger van, she was hit by a car.  The driver of the vehicle had been parked on the opposite side of the road and for reasons we have never been able to fathom crossed the carriageway, mounted the kerb and collided with our client.  There is no connection whatsoever between the driver of this vehicle and our client and this is a perfect example of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Our client sustained a number of injuries but critically a head injury. Since the accident our client has been plagued with debilitating headaches which  have had a real and significant impact upon this young lady’s ability to work and have seriously curtailed the extent to which she is able to engage with family members and socialise as before.  The idiocy of one man’s actions has had a profound impact upon this life and inevitably has affected those around her. 


Jefferies have pursued a personal injury claim and have obtained a level of compensation ensuring that provision has been made for all the future losses and expenses she will be likely to face. Jefferies appreciate how  important it is when settling a personal injury claim that time is taken to truly understand the extent to which the accident has impacted upon a person’s life and to make sure that all possible and potential heads of claim are pursued to ensure that the client receives what they are entitled to.  There is, of course, the old adage that money cannot repair a life – but damages can go some way to giving a client hope that they will be able to manage in the future.


If you have been involved in an accident and do not believe that it was your fault, then please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Mitchell or Ben Ho at Jefferies on 01702 443472 or at  We will take the time to listen to what has happened to you and then give honest, straightforward advice as to the potential options available in terms of pursuing a personal injury claim.

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