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Team Jefferies Fundraised for Comic Relief 2019!

Posted on March 20, 2019
Red nose day at Jefferies Southend Essex

Team Jefferies are delighted to announce we fundraised £232.80 to Comic Relief 2019, with a fantastic effort by all departments taking part this year! On Friday 15th March, we swapped out the blues to fundraise for Red Nose Day 2019…

Wearing all red uniform, we hosted our very own ‘Office Olympics’! Games included pen javelin, office golf and paper aeroplane flying!

With all the ingredients for a fun day, our incredibly talented Hannah Turnbull (Hannah’s Little Cake Company) made a collection of cupcakes for our own office bake sale too. They sold so fast, some might say they were selling like cupcakes…

Plus, we held a ravishing raffle with a hamper of red prizes to win – including red wine, strawberry pampering treats, and heart-shaped chocolates!

To mark the event, our Team page also had a very special “face-lift” for the day, with all staff enhanced with a red nose…

Donations raised will go to worthwhile causes throughout the UK and across the world, tackling important social issues, so we are delighted to help raise funds for Comic Relief.

Want to see what else we are doing to support charities and causes this year? Keep an eye on our social media channels. Like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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