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Single Parents Through Surrogacy Is Now Available

Posted on January 14, 2019
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Jefferies is pleased to advise that In November 2017, the government sought to change the law by a simple method of what is called a remedial order to allow single parents, as well as couples, to apply for Parental Orders if they have a child through surrogacy.

The rules will be retrospective so that single parents with existing children can apply, but they will only have a six-month window when the law changes to do so.

Single parents who conceive through surrogacy have not until now been able to apply for Parental Orders but now this discrimination has been addressed and the law changed so that the legal solution of a parental order which is available to couples who have a child through surrogacy is also available to single parents.

Jefferies has considerable experience in applying for Parental Orders. What may seem on the face of it to a relatively straightforward legal application process can, in fact, become complex and delayed if mistakes are made or legal issues arise. Our experienced team are here to help and provide representation so why take the chance of a DIY job when the expertise is readily available? We are members of the Law Society Children Law panel so are accredited specialists.

Contact us now on 01702 443473

Stella Young BSc (Hons)

Anne-Marie Rainsford

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