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Road Accidents to be more likely on 29th January according to Accident Exchange

Posted on January 29, 2016

The Accident Exchange has estimated that over 10,500 accidents will take place today, 29th January, making it the busiest day of the year for accidents according to these new figures.

The data shows 74% more accidents than average were recorded on this day last year.

The Exchange’s study of 35,000 incidents shows there are approximately 19% more accidents on a Friday than on the average weekday due to people rushing to get home for the weekend, which is why today is set to be a peak day for road accidents. In addition to this, accidents are also typically up by 11% in the winter compared to the summer.

Liz Fisher, sales director at Accident Exchange, commented: “The study sheds an interesting light on the seasonal effects on motorists across the UK.

“The combination of poor weather conditions, congestion and likely fatigue at the end of the week means it may come as no surprise that we are approaching peak time in the calendar for accidents.”

Story originally sourced from – FleetWorld

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