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Representing grandparents and relatives in Family Court proceedings

Posted on January 10, 2018
jefferies representing grandparents family law

A recent BBC report looked into the impact of so-called ‘kinship care’, where a child lives with a relative or friend who isn’t their parent, as their parents are unable to care for them. In fact, there are an estimated 200,00 kinship carers in the UK.

In the Jefferies Family Department, we have extensive experience of advising and representing grandparents/relatives in Family Court proceedings and are aware of the complexities of caring for grandchildren in place of parents who may be unable or sometimes unwilling to.

We can assist with making Court applications and advocating for appropriate financial and other support packages to be made available to you.  We understand that all local authorities and public bodies are working in a difficult financial environment of austerity but we will only ever champion the rights of children to be brought up in a household that has sufficient income and other support to allow children to thrive.

For children to thrive their carers need financial security and often additional supports. Where grandparents have stepped in to care in circumstances where if they hadn’t, the children may have ended up in public care, it has to be recognised that would be at considerably more expense to a local authority than if they are cared for by extended family with some financial support.  Children in public care can sometimes experience multiple placements, disruptions to their education and longer term consequences to their lives which are far less evident when cared for within their family.

Let us help you. We have a proven track record and expertise and our Solicitors have specialist accreditations to do this work.

Get in touch with us here or call us on 01702 332 311.

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