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Oxfam Are Now in the Right Direction After Compass Group Businessman Leaves Them a Legacy of £41m

Posted on August 22, 2018
Leasehold Enfranchisement

Catering tycoon, Richard Cousins, died in a seaplane tragedy last New Year’s Eve along with his two sons, his fiancée and her daughter.

The late Mr Cousins had planned to leave most of his Estate to his sons but drafted a new Will the year before his death and inserted a long-stop clause, in the event that his sons did not survive him. The long-stop clause provided for Oxfam as the main beneficiary of the Estate. As such, the charity is due to receive a legacy in the sum of £41 million.

This is the largest single source of voluntary income to the charity sector.

If you would like advice about making a Will or leaving a legacy to a charity of your choice, please contact our team on 01702 332 311

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