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Match report: Jefferies vs Barrons

Posted on February 12, 2018
Jefferies Solicitors vs Barrons Accountants

Jefferies stuttered to their second defeat of the season in a late goal thriller to Barrons Accountants with a frantic 14-12 victory.

Jefferies took an early lead which was maintained through most of the 60 minutes, until a late collapse saw Barrons add a fresh pair of legs and some critical goals.

Jefferies suffered an early setback when Tinashe appeared to injure himself jogging onto the pitch. A team effort from Jefferies saw goals from Mark Rothman (6), Duncan Bennington (1), Filipé (2), Alex Hyams (2), and Richard Grant (1).

The atmosphere was electric with most of the noise coming from Barrons whose support dominated the touchline. Jefferies’ starlet Shaun Young remained injured and watched from the sidelines providing invaluable player-manager guidance.

Russell Tillbrook of Barrons provided a man of the match performance in goal, with consecutive saves keeping Jefferies at bay. There were distinguished goalkeeping performances at both ends, with Filipé and Richard putting in respectable stints. Defensive blunders saw goals deflected off both teams’ players.

A rematch has already been booked for the 8th March 2018 where both sides will hopefully return to their full complement.

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