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Life Changing Injuries Following a Road Traffic Accident

Posted on April 29, 2020
life changing injuries? Traffic accident

Jefferies Essex LLP recently acted for an elderly client who was involved in a road traffic accident. The accident caused the car to spin before coming to a standstill on its side. Our client suffered from lacerations to her neck and legs and a cracked vertebra. She has also suffered from psychological injuries.

Prior to the road traffic accident, our client was mobile and enjoyed regular walks. As a result of her injuries, her mobility has considerably decreased and she now wears a permanent back brace and heavily relies on a walking frame. Our client now requires a carer to visit 4 times per day to assist her with daily tasks such as getting out of bed, personal hygiene and preparing meals.

A medical expert confirmed that our client’s physical and psychological symptoms are unlikely to resolve and this level of assistance will be required indefinitely. We were able to make provision for these care fees within the claim which, otherwise would have seen her savings used up and a move into a care home.

Jefferies were successful in recovering in excess of £76,000 in full and final settlement of the claim.

We specialise in all types of road traffic accidents – whether they involve cars, motorbikes, cyclists or pedestrians. If you or anyone you know has sustained injuries as a result of a road traffic accident, please call our specialist team on 01702 443 472 and we will be happy to help.

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