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Lawyer on the Run – Brentwood Half Marathon

Posted on March 21, 2016

My first organised run.  I have to admit I am very much a solo runner.  I quite enjoy the calm and introspection that comes with heading out for a run.  This was very different; almost 3,000 participants, marching bands, cheering and water stations.

I’ve been nursing a knee injury so it is quite daunting starting a run and not knowing whether I am going to make a mile, 2, 6, or 13.1.  I saw one chap pull out before I saw the first mile marker, but thankfully I was able to drag myself around. Though the crowd of runners can affect your run as you side step and weave, it also made it easier in some respects as the cheering keeps you going and there are enough things to take your mind off the aches and pain.  Thank you to team Havens for their support.  It was also amazing to run through Essex Villages and see people coming out to offer runners drinks and refreshments and cheer them on.  It really restores one’s faith in humanity.

Still, the thought of having to run another 13.1 miles, as I will in London in 5 weeks’ time, is daunting.  I have two more weeks of long runs, and then I can reduce my workload (Hooray!) before the big day on the 24th of April.

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