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Good Divorce Week 2018: The Impact of Divorce on Children

Posted on November 29, 2018
Good Divorce Week -Jefferies Solicitors

This week is Good Divorce Week

26th November – 30th November 2018 marks Good Divorce Week. This is an awareness week established by Resolution, an organisation of 6,500 family lawyers and other professionals in England and Wales, including members of our own Family Law team.

This year’s campaign focuses on how divorce has an impact on the children, and what can be done to minimise this. Of course, in any separation or divorce, the interests of children need to be prioritised. This will involve making decisions such as who will be the ‘primary carer’ of the children to how much time they will spend with the non-resident parents. During the divorce process, it is important not to lose focus on ensuring the children’s mental well-being is protected by keeping them away from the acrimony, which often comes with the divorce.

Here at Jefferies, our professional and friendly team of Family Solicitors have extensive experience working with families going through the emotional roller-coaster that comes with divorce proceedings.

Planning holidays with children

We know that separated parents can find discussing school holiday arrangements challenging. Some find themselves in a position where one parent ‘dominates’ when contact can and cannot take place over the school holidays. With the Christmas / New Year holidays fast approaching, what should be the most wonderful time of year can prove stressful for families.

It is important for holiday contact to be arranged in accordance with the 3 P’s: Planned, Practical, and Purposeful. Our Family Law Solicitor, Farah Naz, has outlined how holiday contact should be arranged here.

How will no-fault divorce help?

After the recent case of Owens v Owens caused a lot of uproar in the media, about the concept of the “no-fault divorce”, Justice Secretary David Gauke confirmed proposals to introduce new no-fault divorces. This consultation closes on 10th December 2018, and we eagerly await the outcome.

If the “no-fault divorce” is introduced, it could be another step towards minimising the effects of separating parents on children by easing the process and eliminating the “blame game” between spouses.

Advice from our Family Law team

We have put together a list of questions, often asked by our clients with regards to divorce, from understanding how to get a divorce to knowing the right questions to ask a divorce solicitor. Take a look at our divorce FAQs for our answers, together with helpful information about the entire process.

While a “good divorce” might be hard to define, let alone achieve, our Family Law team are here to help you through this difficult time. We will work with you and your family to put a plan of action in place, tailored to your needs and designed to achieve the best solution for everyone.

Speak to our Family Law team today for more advice or to arrange a consultation. Please contact us here or call us on 01702 443 480.

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