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Family Law Awards 2016

Posted on December 7, 2016

On Wednesday 23rd November, myself and some of Jefferies’ finest descended on the Country’s capital to support our esteemed colleague, Anne-Marie Rainsford, who was nominated for Associate of the Year at the Family Law Awards 2016. This year’s event took place at the Bloomsbury Big Top. The wonderful venue fitted in well with the circus theme and the evening showcased aerial artists, included a sparkling drinks reception, a three-course meal and awards ceremony.

The Family Law Awards highlight and acknowledge the hard work and dedication put in by various professionals in the field of family law. They aim to recognise the important work of family lawyers, and celebrate their many successes and outstanding achievements throughout the year.

The shortlist and winners were chosen by a judging panel made up of the heads of the Association of Lawyers for Children, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, Family Law Bar Association and Resolution, along with Family Law editors and publishing executives.

It is an honour to be nominated, never mind to be shortlisted. Anne-Marie has a wide range of expertise, experience and knowledge in family law and works tirelessly in the best interests of her clients. She represents both parents and children in care proceedings and regularly represents her clients at Court Hearings to ensure a high standard of advocacy and consistency of representation.

It is no wonder that she was nominated for Associate of the Year!

A great evening was had by all and although Anne-Marie unfortunately did not win the main award on this occasion, her nomination was due to recognition of the service she provides to clients.

From all of us here at Jefferies – well done Anne-Marie!

Emma Blakesley at Jefferies Solicitors

Chartered Institute of Legal Executives

The Association of Lawyers for Children

The Family Law awards

Bloomsbury Big Top

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