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‘Tis the Season to Get Divorced: Divorce Day 2019

Posted on January 7, 2019
Divorce Day 2019 - Jefferies Solicitors

January 8th, 2019 notoriously, marks National “Divorce Day”, the day on which many couples are most likely to start divorce proceedings.

Over 40,500 people were expected to search “divorce”- nearly 25% higher than usual – according to divorce service, Amicable. The cause of this unfortunate phenomenon? Christmas and the added financial strain on couples during the festive period. Shockingly, 3% of people were in fact reported to have filed for a divorce on Christmas day itself in 2018.

Whilst most people think that Christmas is about spending quality time with family and spreading the festive cheer, the reality can be rather different. The financial pressures, the unfulfilled expectations of a perfect family Christmas and the increased time spent together over the holidays can cause an already unhappy marriage to reach breaking point.

Over the years many people have taken the ‘New Year New Me’ approach, which yes, involves setting themselves resolutions for the coming year to get there ‘beach body’ ready for the summer, others may decide to actually take steps to get rid of the little niggle that continues to bug them at the back of their mind and end a distasteful or already difficult marriage.  Although there is no right time to end a marriage, if you are pondering over the idea of starting the year afresh but putting yourself and your happiness first please contact our friendly and experienced team of family solicitors who will be happy to advise you of the different options that will be open to you.

So pick up the phone and contact either Ms Farah Naz or Ms Hollie Symon now on 01702 443 480, so ‘Divorce Day ‘ does not turn into ‘dooms day’ for you.

Speak to an expert today

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