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Ask Jefferies – Family Law FAQ’s

Posted on December 19, 2017
jefferies representing grandparents family law

We know how difficult it can be to get a specific answer to a specific question and to get the help and advice you need when it comes to affairs of the heart. Luckily, at Jefferies Solicitors, we have a strong, friendly, experienced and driven team across all aspects of family law.

We thought that it would be a great idea to include some of the most popular questions and answers relating to family law that people ask and search for online. All our answers are impartial, and for information purposes only but they might act as useful advice and point you in the right direction.

We aim to add to the list of questions in the coming months to reflect what you, the public are asking, and aim to be a resource that you might want to bookmark for future reference, or pass on to a friend or family member who might be in need of some impartial information.

To read our FAQ’s of family law visit our Family Law page here:

 We don’t have all the answers, but if in doubt, why not Ask Jefferies?

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