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An introduction to our new paralegal…

Posted on August 23, 2018

I am James Pettit and I have recently joined Jefferies Solicitors as a paralegal in the Family Law Department. I will soon begin studying for the LPC alongside working at Jefferies with the aim of eventually becoming a solicitor.

I chose a career in law because I want to make a genuine difference to people’s lives. Being faced with a legal issue can be challenging, stressful and emotional for clients. There is often a lot at stake for the client, whether it be money, their home, their children or their liberty. I have always considered the idea of helping clients through their issue, taking the stress out of the situation and helping them to achieve the best possible outcome for them to be deeply rewarding.

My first taste of law was studying it at A-level at the sixth form college of the local non-selective state comprehensive school which I attended. This inspired me to progress my law studies to Degree level, which was unchartered territory for me being the first in my family to attend University.

During my time at University I volunteered for local law charities such as Citizens Advice and the Norfolk Community Law Service which made me realise the human element of the law and the impact of cases on people’s lives. From this, I developed a sense of social responsibility and a desire to help people, which further motivated my decision to pursue a career in law.

I undertook a work experience placement at Jefferies Solicitors in August 2017 for which I applied speculatively. During this placement I shadowed some very experienced solicitors, attended and sat in on court hearings and engaged in intellectually stimulating tasks. The placement gave me a valuable insight into working in a law firm and the staff were very polite and made me feel very welcome. I am extremely grateful to have been given the opportunity to work at Jefferies.

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