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10% Wills offer

Posted on July 14, 2017

At Jefferies, we understand the difficulty for those working in education to find time to organise their affairs during the busy academic terms.

With this in mind, we are offering a 10% discount for Teachers and Support Staff who make a Will with us between 10th July 2017 and 1st September 2017.

A Will should be a major part of any future planning as it allows you to make provision for what should happen to your property, money, investments and personal belongings after you die.

A will can also be used to appoint testamentary guardians to care for your child(ren) in the event of your death.

Without a Will, the law of intestacy steps in to distribute the estate according to a clear line of family succession. This could mean that your money and personal possessions do not go to your preferred family members or friends on your death and could create problems for the loved ones you leave behind.

Jefferies offers a comprehensive service for all of your will requirements.

If you would like to make an appointment then please call us quoting ‘#SchoolSpecial’ on 01702 443484 today.

*This offer is subject to availability and appointments will be booked on a first come first served basis.

**Usual fee: £165+VAT for a basic single Will or £300+VAT for two basic mirror Wills.

We reserve the right to make additional charges if matters are more complex.

Speak to an expert today

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